International Islamic Centre for Reconciliation & Arbitration has participated in 2nd Salalah International Islamic Conference in 14th-16th of July 2019 in Crown Plaza Resort, Sultanate of Oman under the patronage of HE Sheikh Khalid bin Omar Al Marhoon, and Minister of Civil Service.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of IICRA and Legal Advisor Mr. Rami Sulaiman attended the conference with an invitation extended by Twafuq Consultancy and Muscat Clearing and Depository highlighted the role of International Islamic Center for Reconciliation and Arbitration in Dubai in the Islamic financial industry and the concept of risk and its conditions, formulations of Takaful Insurance, Insurance Redundancy, Reinsurance and its legislative and legal regulations. The Salalah conference highlighted the several important topics through dialogue sessions and outstanding research and papers.
The conference was attended by more than 250 participants including dignitaries, senior officials, honorable Sharia scholars, representatives of international organizations, central banks and regulatory and supervisory authorities, as well as a host Islamic financial institutions’ personnel and senior managers, and representatives of accounting and auditing firms, legal firms, universities and higher education institutions, and the media, from around the world.